BlueWater Cooking Company

BlueWater Cooking Company Details:

Address: 9041 Buck Lake Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32317, USA

Phone: 850-270-1440

BlueWater Cooking Company Website

BlueWater Cooking Company Facebook Page

BlueWater Cooking Company Hours:

Monday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours

About BlueWater Cooking Company:

BlueWater Cooking Company has been cooking low and slow southern style barbeque since 1995. What started out as friends gathered around the backyard smoker turned into cooking in competitions in support of various charities and local organizations. We have taken that experience and now offer our mobile kitchen to provide you a complete catering service at your location for your events and parties.

We will provide fresh food, quality service and a professional attitude for your event. Let us take the work out of your party experience. Our goal is for your event to be as enjoyable for the host as it is for your guests.