Lincoln Center Details: Address: 438 West Brevard Street, Tallahassee, FL, 32301 Phone: 850-891-4180 Lincoln Center Website | Lincoln Center Hours: |
About Lincoln Center:
The Center provides for the delivery of social and human services, institutional and charitable services by agencies or organizations that are non-profit in nature. The Center’s mission is to develop and implement programs, services and activities that will positively impact the quality of life of the community’s residents.
Services and Programs:
The Afterschool Development Program (Monday – Friday. 3:00 – 5:30pm) – Homework assistance and one-on-one tutoring for community youth in grades K-8 in the areas of math, science, reading and language arts in addition to FSA preparation.
The Lincoln Room – A museum to honor the historic Lincoln High School that once occupied the Lincoln Center site. The school served as the primary public education center for Leon County’s African-Americans from 1869 – 1970.
Summer Enrichment Program – The Lincoln Center provides this six (6) week program in partnership with The Lincoln Foundation and The Riley House. The Summer Enrichment Program strives to continue developing students’ academic skills in math, reading, science, and computer programs. Field trips to museums, historic and recreation sites provide a diverse opportunity for the students to expand their academic learning and social skills. Limited space available.
Rentals for Special Events – The Lincoln Center is a multi-purpose facility and is available for community meetings, forums, seminars, workshops, panel discussions as well as other events.
The Lincoln Center Boxing Club provides training and boxing techniques for youth ages 8 to 18. The club has a mentoring and self-esteem program, and provides counseling to program participants.