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School Bus Routes for Tallahassee

The 2021 – 2022 bus routes are out! Here is how to find yours!

Below you will find information about updated 2021-2022 school bus stops. The 2021-2022 bus stops are the same locations as last year’s (2020-21) school bus stops. If you are a returning student to your school and you know the bus stop location from last school year, you may start using that location beginning Wednesday, August 11th.

If you are new to your school this year (i.e. sixth graders, ninth graders, kindergarten students, and students new to Leon County), you may find your bus stop time and location within the school routes. You will select the bus stop location and time nearest to your house.

As a reminder, this year, LCS will describe buses by route number. The route will be the same in the morning as in the afternoon. The route number will be displayed on the right side of every bus, directly next to the door.

Please remember that if you are attending a school on school choice, it is the family’s responsibility to provide transportation to the school.

If your child is a current ESE student with an IEP requiring transportation, and you have questions, please call 487-7160.

FYI: Your bus route can give you a hint to which compound the bus comes from. All routes that start with the number 1 are from Appleyard, routes that start with a number 2 are from Connor compound and routes that start with a number 3 are from Cox Compound.

  • GO HERE and select your school
  • Scroll through the listings and find what street corners are closest to your house
  • Refer to the ROUTE: Number at the top (Leon County Schools describe buses by route number)
  • Be mindful of AM and PM listings, example: ROUTE: 0240 AM-  versus   ROUTE: 0240 PM-
  • Simply get on the bus the first week of school – the bus driver will distribute/collect all needed information.
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